Monday, September 28, 2009


Okay So I have three boys and they are boys. I mean the mere essence of boys are energy and exploration. My boys are nothing short. They run around playing GI Joe and Star Wars and yes they shoot each other. Connor, my oldest, love playing soldiers and star wars. He is in first grade and loves his teacher. He loves boy things. Connor has been getting in trouble during recess for playing 'shooting' games, meaning star wars or soldiers. Well, schools are different than when I was in school. Schools are very effeminate and are very about no touching and respect feelings. Well boys and feelings walk in opposite directions. Connor has been sent to the principles office many times for playing these games with other boys. What has happened in society that boys cannot play boy games?? This is my feeling, let them play, as long as they are not hurting or saying something inappropriate. They want the boys to play tag, well until the boys push too hard or start slapping. I guess the idea with guns that they are violent. Guns are not violent people are. If we look back to the 1950-1960's, what were boys playing?? War and cowboys and Indians. 1970's war or one of many cop shows. The 1980's brought GI Joe and transformers. So I can safely say that for over 50 years boys have been playing with guns and 95 percent of boys have been normal. HMMM?? So I am telling the schools unless he hurts a child, I am not supporting them and if they feel the need to do so, send him to the office everyday and all the other boys playing shooting. I will be happy to go to the school board or the superintendent and fight this battle for boys.

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