Monday, May 24, 2010


So I am at home today around one in the afternoon and got a call from Connor's school. It is the school sectary telling me that Connor was sent to the office because he was falling asleep in class and was too tired to be in class. I just put the baby down for his nap and now i needed to wake him up because he is tired??? He is tired because he decided to play and not listen last night. He is tired because he wanted to get up to drink and pee. So it is his own fault that he is tired but why must I come and pick him up? Connor had only an hour and half left but because he is tired he needs to be picked up?

So i wake the baby up and i go to pick Connor up. I make it very known that i am not happy with this. What is it teaching him? NOTHING! It is teaching him that lying will get him what he wants and being manipulative is okay.

I have really had it with schools today. The schools and teachers make excuses about how their class size is too big and it stresses them out. You know what stresses me out?? I don't know putting my life on the line everyday for people. I am tired of schools and teachers that are convinced that children should be on meds because to me, it is easier for them.

Now I am going to age myself. When I was in school, unless you were throwing up or other problems, you weren't able to go home! I have had fevers before and I had to stay at school.

I have an idea toughen up the little kids and let them be accountable. What type of future are we setting them up for???

SERIOUSLY, going home for being tired!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunny Days

Ahhh...the warmth of the sun, an ice cold ice tea, working on the yard, and watching the boys play, not fight! what a beautiful day! We went to the Concord Farmer's market, which if haven't gone, you must! So many vendors, so much food, and a park for the kiddies, don't worry there are numerous coffee shops. How relaxing it was. Sipping coffee, talking with my mother-in-law and the kids just playing! It was Jack and Luke. Luke loved digging in the bark and putting it through the holes of the play structure and Jack played hard. Jack jumped, climbed, slide, and ran. He even fell asleep on the way home. Now onto the back yard! Our backyard is a natural disaster! I can't wait to have it under control and go in the back just to relax!! But I like working out there. This week I think the kids and I will plant fruits and flowers.

We tried out our ice cream maker. Due to user error, lol, we made it yesterday but will have it for dessert today. We strawberry with fresh ones. I will let you all know how it turns out. Until next time, enjoy the sun!!